Its only the third week of school and I'm alr mad tired ): This few days have been increasingly tired and I've been getting lesser and lesser hours of sleep. I think there's one day I mugged for chinese spelling and got to sleep only like at 1+. Really lah, I think the most horrible situation that can happen to me is not being able to sleep. It really sucks when you are going to close your eyes any second but your mind will be like "No! MUST FINISH STUDYING FIRST!" Ok. So the most important thing that I want to highlight is that...
Cause you know what? Monday and Tuesday I went home early (about 4) and I slacked from 4 to like 7 daily! Then the past days like thursday and friday I got to mug for chinese spelling, geog test as well as to finish all my hw. And the chinese spelling is like, 10 phrases, 1 paragraph and 1 dictation siah! And I still got my holiday assignments! Geog papers and criterion essays! The essay titles are so hard that I dont even feel like doing.
So the moral of the story is that, do your homework once you receive it! Dont regret when the rest of the subject teachers give you more!
And now we move on to our cca. CCA open house went smoothly. The pds performance was... awesome! Ok la first time the music was kinda screwed cause of some technical problems and asffaq accidentally dropped his rifle. But the second one was terrific!! But then that just put more pressure on me. The camp can't lose to the open house right? :O And then when Brenda and I approached the sec 1s we realised that people either think we are smelly or think that np's tiring. -.- WTS seriously! and brenda was like trying to bribe them with the chance to shoot a real pistol and the leadership point in LEAPS. haha so funny yeah. Oh and that day was so cool! I got my promotion! Along with Shiqi, Roy, Zhaowei and Asffaq to Staff Sgt! Really glad. I felt myself subconsiously hyperventilating when brenda passed the rank to me :O Oh and campcraft training is getting more and more boring. Shall not elaborate more.
Or maybe I shall.
Campcraft boys' tent currently 8:53, girls 9:53. Gadget still have not started to do with flag and tent. And I'm pretty tired and bored about tying bowline and tent guy loops alr. Dunno why Wayne so hyper about it! HAHA
Ok abrupt end to the post but HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! GONG XI FA CAI! :DD
Hehe on the first weekend of the school holiday, we went to celebrate cg's bday! :D So firstly we went to eat mos burger for lunch first HAHA ordered a ebi rice burger set. Ex like dunno what. Then, being the cheapskate we were, took the remaining chilli and tomato packets and headed to the sengkang cc to play cards. Daidi, bridge, pig, snapjack and stress. HAHA cg lost the pig game, thus explaining the title of this post. I really hope there would be more outing like this muahahahaha :D

why are we so spaced out :O

i don't like people to take photo when i'm eating!

supposed to be cg

teaching the gong kia how to play bridge

me writing his awesomest bday card!

1v1 stress!!

act cool uh

yeah we were unfortunately caught in a heavy downpour on the way home ):

OMG I GOT A1 FOR CHINESE 'O' LEVELS!! Super happy to the max. Really glad cause I really put in much time and effort into memorising the good phrases for compo HAHAHAHA :D Ruyi and Chokgeow also got A1 for chinese! Triple happiness! :D My class did great i think, 1 A2, 3 B3s and the rest are A1s! Woohoo!
On a sidenote 2011 sec 4s got back their results today and uhm, being the kpo me, I dragged zhaowei and shiqi to the hall to see my seniors results. Some of them quite good leh! Really worked hard of it. I guess I shall too. (: Mug all day starting from today. Because exactly one year later, even if I cry, I want it to be tears of joy, not tears of sadness (: