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the boy


as from 20.10.2010



Those with . at the back of their name
have dead links.
Tag with your url & name,
if you want me to link you :D

Jia Yi.
Sue Qin

Kay Jan
Lee Ting.
Ting Yu
Wing Yu.
6/1 08'.
2/1 10'.


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
May 2011
August 2011
January 2012

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh man i think i've literally no friends. Today's a bad bad day. Freaking annoyed and pissed off with everybody. Entertain you all, say i'm lame. Fine, i'm tired of this pretence already. i guess i'll just revert to my old boring self. seriously leh, "i'm very pissed off and feeling moody alr." Well, go and die then. Is it even my problem? Do you think you are the only one in this world that is feeling moody? People like that ought to be smacked in the face. Not happy, why influence others?

well enough of ranting. maybe cause i've insufficient sleep. oh man chinese teacher didn't come for four days, what the shit. This kind of teacher also exist. Omg skali she on course, then i'll feel so guilty about badmouthing her. I dun like being lonely, seriously. I rather dun eat, then eat alone. ):

8:59 PM

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"From the terrible depths of a natural disaster came an unexpected example of human bravery. On March 11, a magnitude 9 earthquake struck Japan, triggering a tsunami that cut a massive swath of destruction through farmlands, erased entire towns in its path, and mowed down thousands of human lives. It may be months, even years before the world knows exactly how many lives have been lost and how much damage has been caused—we just know the figures will be mind-boggling when they come.

And things could still grow worse. After the savagery wrought by the earthquake and the resulting tsunami came the unthinkable news that a nuclear power plant, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, located some 200 kilometers from Tokyo, had been crippled by catastrophic failures in its safety features and had been rocked by fires and explosions after its cooling system broke down, and was on the verge of a meltdown.

As a result, the Japanese government evacuated thousands of people from the surrounding area even as plant operator Tokyo Electric similarly evacuated some 700 workers from the stricken power plant. The world looked on in rising apprehension as the plant teetered on the edge of nuclear disaster. But somehow, someway, efforts to contain the disaster continue—at an extraordinary cost. A small group of workers, numbering anything from 50 to 180, remains onsite. There are no names or faces available, but they have been branded “The Fukushima 50” by the media, and the world is only just learning of their amazing sacrifice.

Composed of engineers and technicians, the Fukushima 50 are the frontliners in the struggle to keep the radiation leak from the nuclear power plant from becoming a deadly threat to its surrounding areas and other parts of the world, even as the radiation levels around them have risen to frightening levels. Notably, a number of them had elected to stay as volunteers. Some reports have identified one of them as a man who is set to retire in six months. A good number of them have been at the plant for over a week now and continue to stay there despite some of their comrades reportedly having been burned in fires or gone missing.

Due to the escalating radiation levels, the Fukushima 50 take turns in their version of hell. Equipped with respirators, jump suits and a flashlight as their only light source, the workers can only spend a few minutes in the most heavily irradiated parts of the plant, thus rotating the risk among themselves. Yet more is being asked from them. In order to keep them working at the plant within the bounds of law, the Japanese government raised the amount of radioactivity a Japanese worker may be exposed to—from 100 millisieverts to 250 millisieverts. The limit cannot be raised any higher. “It would be unthinkable to raise it further than that, considering the health of the workers,” Japan’s Health Minister Yoko Komiyama told reporters.

As the drama in Fukushima unfolds, people around the world watch with fear, muttering the name of Chernobyl, the nuclear plant in the Ukraine that in 1986 became the worst nuclear plant accident of all time, killing thousands and rendering its immediate surroundings a radioactive wasteland. Fukushima Daiichi, they fear, might follow Chernobyl’s fate.

It might be years before we really get to know what happened within Fukushima Daiichi’s pitch-black corridors. But we already know the debt the world owes the Fukushima 50. It’s a vital, admirable part of Japanese character, some have said, this willingness to do what is necessary despite the danger, this stoic sacrifice for the greater good.

It is more than that. To stay when others have left, to step into the fire even as the flames burn white-hot, to stand strong amid the uncertainty of both nature and nuclear failure—all this takes more than just character.

The Fukushima 50 are on a mission from which, they know only fully well, they may not be able to return whole, if at all alive. And the world may never be able to truly honor their self-sacrifice."


4:47 PM

Sunday, March 13, 2011

class photo before setting off to campsite

ice breaking games?

high rope challenge! at that point of time i very scared one

HAHA so funny, not my butt though

mr hng nvr take pic of me, so just imagine me in that position la

day 2 at the playground

learning journey at yishun


no pics of dragonboating though

3/7 or 3/8 dance!

jeremy camp coordinator

day 3 murderer game. heh he's choosing me :)

last class photo. this pic super funny. see vanessa ang, vanessa han, alex and ruo heng (:

heh. pictures of camp. thank gladys for this pictures cause she taught me how to upload bwahaha.

3:40 PM

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Whatdashit i cannot post Mr Hng's photos. So just a summary of the camp. First day we played games in the morning and got to know the instructors, Kwan Yong and Kai Sheng. They dun have english name tsk. Then went to bottle tree park where we learnt how to pitch tents and learnt major charlie cheers, in which we didn't use it at all. Then, lunch. They had chicken wings and its so hard to eat cause its intact as a whole. After lunch, we went to the high rope challenge place where we had high elements. Met compassvale sec people, including Marcus, Xinyang and Peikoon.

High elements was cool! At first I was super hesistant to play cause I very scared of the heights. But then I rained, so I had so time to mentally prepare myself (: My first one was super easy. Cause its just walking on a line where you can hold onto something. I tried abseiling too. Turns out to be not as scary as I thought it would be. Only the part where you position yourself to slide down then very scary.

Then it was dinner and night activities. First we had this super awesome game to find out the murder of Mr A. Its to question the suspects, in this case, the instructors, which are located all around bottle tree park. We need to analyse their answers and determine whether they are lying or telling the truth. My class's answer was very far away from the real one. But it was also very fun, as we get to explore the park in the night. We also scared alot of people by telling them ghost stories. Then was the stocks exchange game. Super boring. No need to elaborate more. Other than the part where vanessa ang, sheron, weiling, chokgeow, and me began talking about something (ahem .__. ) then was interesting. And the part where Santhini began to tell what Vanessa Han complained about to Julia.

Then bathing. Super awesome. People were dancing while naked LOL. Those very brave one luh. Dance gee and dunno what lah, in the open shower. Haha, they keep on shaking their kuku siah. Then went to sleep. Very uncomfortable lah, this type no need to say one luh. Next morning, had breakfast, then something happened. Lu Cheng was talking on the phone, then he put the tea on a styrofoam plate. Then he spilled the super hot tea on Zong Yan, which was sitting down near him. He suffered a second degree burn lo. I think he very pitiful, he didn't get to enjoy any of the activities, cause he just came to the camp on the first night as he had cybernetics competition. Then the next morning he was sent home. So he only played the night activities and slept a night.

Then we had learning journey in the morning. Around yishun and bottle tree park. Quite sian luh, cause need walk walk walk. Then had lunch, followed by dragonboating! It is the activity I had been looking forward to the most. Then rained again. But it really doesn't matters cause the activity could still carry on due to the absence of the lightning and thunder. Super fun, plus very tiring. Then the instructor always throw water at us, plus he clean his mucus with the reservoir water one leh. Super gross. Then we compete with other classes. 3/2 got 1st and 2nd position! Cause we were separated into two groups.

At night was campfire. No fire though, as it was still raining. Mr Lo and all the form teachers came hahas. Mr Hng super hiong lo, he was like there the whole of the camp! (: Oh, and Lekhaa came too. Then everybody was hyper. 3/2's peformance was reenacting the scene of the murder of Mr A. I think it wasn't really very good, but Mr Hng and our instructors say very good leh, so i also bluff myself lo. And I'm not a perfectionist hor. -__- They alot also dance dance dance, very nice lah, but quite cliche.

Next morning very sad, as camp ending alr. We play games and say goodbye to the instructors. Lol, when I go home I immediately go toilet bathe, haha awesome!

12:48 PM

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Short post here dude. Here are my CA1 results! (:

****************English: 71 A2
*********Higher chinese: 58 C5
*Additional Mathematics: 76 A1
**********Mathematics: 80 A1
*************Chemistry: 71 A2
****************Physics: 88 A1
***Combined Humanities: 78 A1
************Geography: 86 A1
***************L1R5: 7

Heh. I'm happy now. Pleased bout the results except for chinese. And my language caused me to get 7 pointers instead of 6! ): If only I got an A1 for english. But that doesn't really matter now. Its already over. Gonna pack for my camp now, bye!

5:42 PM

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bahh! I just passed my higher chinese with a horrible score of 58. Upon hundred. Still, I'm rather relieved that i'm not the only one who did so badly; many failed. English was very average, as usual. 15/25 for compre, 19/30 for compo. Thank god I have the grammar test to help me. Got 88 for physics and 87 for geog overalls! :P But I got A2 for chemistry!!! D: 70.7 leh! Omg Ms Mok mark so strict ):

Speaking of which, 3/2's efl performance on tuesday was total fail. Firstly, it was not coordinated and it seems very messy. Then some people did not bring the fab detergent on that day so the audience dunno why we dancing fabulous. Then only got 3 mikes and the infocomm once again screwed up people's performance. The people had to share mikes on stage and its very irritating. Then the music on too early for the dances and the dancers dunno where to start. The worst part was, Ms Mok was angry with the class for disrespecting her fining system and we followed her everywhere after school to apologise, in which she did not accept, nor did she forgive us. Bahh but I think the performance was very funny leh! Was laughing a lot in the backstage.

Mr Hng was a real help. He comforted us teehee and told us a very inspiring quote "I will be BIGGER than you. You cannot defeat me!" Lol who shall I say this to? Anyways today was cross country and I ran! (: Will post about it in the next entry. BYEBYE (:

12:43 PM