Shhhho happy! :) Teehee i got 35/40 for both physics and amaths test. and i thought i would fail physics.. Bahhhh! Amaths was not that surprising, since am very sure i won't fail it. Heehee but physics got damn high siah, sho happy!
Today stayed back after school to prepare for efl. Some people never go, so sad. Later they dunno what to do during the actual thing, how? And I was unlucky chosen as a random kiddy. Aiya very sian siah, people opted to do props so that no need to act, now kena both... -___- Eeyer i spent so much time doing the props but some people never cooperate. *wriggles finger at somebody* And 1 person never contribute anything at all :O but aiya shouldn't really care about them la. We still've got 2 years, the will show their true colours sooner or later to everybody :D
And, 3/2 is getting worse, according to the teachers. Personally, I don't feel anything different leh. Like I still do my homework, listen to lectures etc. But many things are happening and I always struggle to ask, walao i so lag one. Or maybe is i ignorant. Bahh I feel so happy and sad at the same time. *facepalm*
UPDATE: I got 30/35 for geog test, 32/35 for grammar test :D
Yay hi guys! *waves to nonexistent people* As you all know the week of tests is finally over. Next week's gonna be less crazy, only got chinese, emaths, social studies, and chem practical test. This week was madness. Studied like mad for geog omg. Forgot to draw diagram during test. Omg i hope i won't sulk for the whole day after receiving the paper. Here. I think i am gonna do well in history, chem and english grammar. And I am gonna flunk in physics, amaths, chinese and geog. Maybe average for amaths. Argh this is madness! Absolutely madness.
Futhermore I am in charge of making props for the coming efl performance for 3/2! Hope people would enjoy the performance la sian sian sian. Bah and I still hate Ms Mok and Mr Arasu. Bleah. Oohh ooh and I want the current sec4 np seniors to pass out quickly! I want be senior bwahahahaha :) Then no need kena scolded all the time anymore. Seriously, i'm gonna change my CCA back to band or something when I go jc. No more uniform group, its tedious. And people always make fun of us. Friday during training got one sec 1 boy imitate us go do the raise hand to 90 degree thing. Pfft, seriously asking for a slap siah. I was like imagining him kena slapped by me then he cry. But he very cute, lols.
Ok bye! (: *waves again*
Bahh i'm bored now. TGIF + no cca today. Life is awesome \m/ Wait, why do I sound so contradicting? wth. So anyways, got back my chem and amaths test this week. Chem was sorta acceptable since i got 23/30. Lols. Amaths was HORRIBLE. Got 27/40 bullshit siah. I swear the simultaneous equation i could have gotten full mark. I go itchy hand cancel away the working and redo siah. Feel like slapping my hand zzz. And you know what, the china scholars are all very good in maths siah! All get at least 30, bleah. Somemore I swear I just screwed up my physics test today, and it accounts for 70% of CA1 omg! But the other 30% is firmly secured since its just ordinary daily work :D Ah why did I put a smiley sign?! This is supposed to be a ranting post. Not a happy post. Next week's gonna be a mad mad week for me, at least 5 test are coming up, namely geog, hist, maths, english and chem. Not to mention chinese, which there probably is. I think I must skip cca on wed alr, omg I'm going crazy!
Ok enough about tests, lets talk about school. ( although they are still related ) I love 3/2! Its way way awesome than the other classes lol. Haziqah is so funny hahas. Without her I would have been so siann during lessons. Haha we talk about very funny stuffs during physics, idk why. Ahh and Ms Mok is getting more and more ridiculous lah zzz. Don't wish to talk bout her. Oh yeah! Mr arasu lives in Regentville omg hahas. He always take 159 home and got one time I saw him walk into the condo's side gate from the bus leh wth! Haha wonder why he doesn't drive to school. Maths lesson is fun, Mr Hng very entertaining siah. I'm so scared I would flunk geog; I think Mdm Neo is going like a bullet train in class. Half the time I also catch no ball .__. Omg I feel like changing seats alr. Somemore he separate yongjie away from me siannn.
3 more weeks to march holidays. Woot i'm so hyped up about it. There would be sec3 level camp, np annual camp and outing with former clique buahahaha. Be jealous peeps! :D Okay la enough zi-high and procrastinating alr. Shall start revising logarithms...

Hello people happy CNY! I'm like totally into chinese new year lols. My house have plenty of goodies that can last me for very long. LOL
Yesterday had chinese new year celebration a school. We were squeezed by alot of people. Like the whole school was squeezed in one small hall. Thankfully we were cooled by the big ASS fan. I like the wushu performance, so vibrant and interesting. The modern dance was good too, but got tired of it soon. HAHA but Mr Khoo danced with them for awhile (: I think the infocomm people are very mean caused the screwed up the chinese dance and prc scholar's performance. I think they are like damn pissed off with that CCA. The chinese dance song suddenly stopped and they had to stay stationary for very long and after the song resumed, they had missed out one large chunk of the dance and I heard it was the most funny part since they would be shaking their butts. Then one of the china scholars had a mike that does not function well, so he did not get to sing at all ): So sad la, i think it may not be infocomm's entire fault but still, they had to be largely responsible for the events that happened. Made chinese dance people cry LOLOL. They should buy new speakers or smth.
Then evening went to my uncle's house to eat reunion dinner. After dinner we played like bridge and taidi and bluff. Idk how to play bridge la, sian then i implicate my partner. Got one round i also dunno who my partner, then i go and eat him somemore zzz. Taidi was okay, quite normal. Won some, lose some. Bluff/Lie/Cheat was so funny since my cousins are overly suspicious, always open my sis and mine's cards. So we purposely never fake at all then they lose. Yay today, my moms friend are coming to our house and we most probably would get to gamble. Yay blackjack ftw! :D