hey sry for not posting for so many days ): Cause i was SICK! feeling super moody and sian luhh, can't go www, can't go watch hp7, can't even go out. Gotta stay at home for at least a week luh -.- Then you must be wondering no outing, no events, no pictures, post what post!
fret not, this post's gonna be influential since it would be about the amazing discovery of a very cute behavior coming from clevence whenever picture taking is present. Woohoo, i'm so talented! (nah actually i'm so bored that i've no life and go stalk clevence facebook LOL) So ya, can't blame me, i'm sick and i can't go out ):
you see, when people take photos, they usually do like THIS v

i very-moody-now-get-lost face?
maybe not.

worst still, a QUIET!-you-very-irritating face?

Yes, normally people do the one-hand twist!
But Clevence usually do the awesome 2 hand twist! That's so amazing and extraodinary! ;D

Evidence #1

i guess you can't see his other hand though

can you?
ok la, i realised its hard for me to find much pictures of Clevence in fb since like his fb acc is so dead, and no people bother tagging him. I think he dosen't tag himself too? And he don't take pics, expect for class/group/clique photos. Sooo, yeah, this post is kinda fail T.T oh yeah and lynette, kelvin, patricia, ms ng and clevence sry for putting all your handsome/pretty faces on my blog luh. cause your names are on my news feed. yeah except for clevence and ms ng. Lol. Urgh, i've got a feeling that this post is so FAIL. Rawr i just want to go out and slack alrd luhh.