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the boy


as from 20.10.2010



Those with . at the back of their name
have dead links.
Tag with your url & name,
if you want me to link you :D

Jia Yi.
Sue Qin

Kay Jan
Lee Ting.
Ting Yu
Wing Yu.
6/1 08'.
2/1 10'.


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
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February 2011
March 2011
May 2011
August 2011
January 2012

Thursday, April 30, 2009

hahas. I will not be posting much until exams are over. So, hahas. Today was start of english exams. Xinmin no SA1, so good. I am starting to miss NPCC. Lol. Short post lah. Bye.


1:59 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

relinked and linked Sze Yong and Patricia. Went to band just now. But the juniors and seniors and recruits not serious enough. All the sections are seriously lack of tutors. For example, the baritone section have no primary five band members, and it is only the juniors teaching the recruits scales. i just wish they will buck up. Lol. I realised that horn and trombone only two primary fives. except for my lovely section, which consists of five primary five members. Haha. To end my post, i will just say, jiayous for the syf next year, and no slacking!


1:17 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i am so damnit vexed. He think he what, do a little thing like very pro liddat. Like shit lah. You go NA classes lah. You bloody hell idiot. Always say vulgarities. You really think that you are very cool? DREAM ON. You make everybody feel sick. Your every action irks me. You are a person that everyone hates. i alrd hate you, but you make me hate you more. You are the most hated person by me. shout shout shout. grow up become gara guni la, then everyday shout lor. Haha. You're so damnit pathetic. Nobody likes you. A leopard cannot change it's spots. You are forever like that. nobody will ever like you cause you are never going to change that bloody atitude of yours. Your so-called friends are just fake friends. You have no true friends. Remember this, nobody likes YOU. Nobody is gonna be your true friend and nobody is gonna really care about you. And you will never change that shitty atitude of yours. So, just scram.

Haha, my scolding not as fierce as patricia's. Lol.


5:50 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh yeah,
posting now. Today went for swimming in the morning. The water not cold at all. Yay, my coach say I will be taking gold in June. Although it is very late, i don't care much alrd.

Then afternoon i chiong all my homework. Then use abit computer. Then evening play bball, alone. I don't mind, really. Then met my cvps band senior (siyi aka mosquito) and her friend. Played match. Today damn unlucky, my shots very little score one. Haiz.

Then at night, i ate crab! Chilli and pepper crab! Haha, envious. Too bad. Lol. See all this?


12:11 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hi everybody,
how is my new blogskin? lols. Looking outside, I saw the white fluffy clouds float dreamily. What a perfect weather for basketball. Neither sunny or rainy. But little people can play basketball and it was postponed. Dummies. Why everybody want it on Sunday. Rain how? I am so vexed. Play on Saturday lah. If rain then postpone to Sunday lah. Sunday cannot do homework meh. And only evening play nia, afternoon, morning and dawn also can do homework mah. Night too! Argh. So i urge all of you to think about this carefully. Also to zl and rc, sorry.


8:43 AM

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hwa Chong Institution
You are the quiet worker. In fact, you work alot. You are very goal-oriented and you constantly wonder why your school uniform could not be more hip. You do not think that your school is necessarily better than others, but you believe that the school is the best for you. You tend to think so out of the box that you sometimes lose the plot (along with the box). In your quiet moments, you think "I should be so lucky".

Hey guys!
Hwa Chong Institution! Yeah. Lol. Second time I am posting today. I should have go to hwa chong institution. Lol.


9:25 AM


1) No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.

2) There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world. BUT since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total - 378 million according to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good child in each.

3) Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits per second.

This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house. Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept), we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75-1/2 million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours, plus feeding and etc.

This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest man- made vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second - a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.

4) The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (2 pounds), the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see point #1) could pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine. We need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload - not even counting the weight of the sleigh - to 353,430 tons. Again, for comparison - this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth.

5) 353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance - this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spacecrafts re-entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy.

Per second.


In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity. A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.

In conclusion -

If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's dead now.

source: http://thejesslynn.blogspot.com/


7:02 AM

Sunday, April 5, 2009

saturday was in unison 3. And it was a total success, especially for band! I am proud of band. So at first we went to the school. Later, we boarded the bus. Kelvin Heng, Sze Yong, Eugene and me were in the malay dancer's bus. Lol. We chatted and played games. It was kind of fun.

When we reached there, we began to unload the percussion and lower brass instrument. It was tiring.(duh) Then we waited for dunno what and then they began rehearsing. It was not so perfect cause the band members knew it was just a reheasal. -.- Lol. But I didn't knew Mandy could sing. After that was lunch. Nasi Lemak. I don't like it. Then they do the bunning of girl's hair. We just walk around and we tried to gel up the boys' hair. It was nasty for them. Haha. Then later Mr Tay let Eugene and Sze Yong watch the first part of in unison.(so good)

Then it was the interval. We, the alumni band members,were given the honour to set the chairs, stands and the percussion instrument. So happy. Then we went to get a seat to watch. They are actually fabulous. A person kept on shouting like mad sia. So irritating. Sze Yong also shouted, but he was funny. Then he made a ear-piercing sound. After one song, the whole group of alumni members stand up and clapped. People were looking at us but we did not even feel a little bit ashamed.

The finale, Dinah and Mandy sang the in unison song. Then the other band members waved the (dunno how to say) thing. The other performing arts cca groups also wave that thing but theirs were a small one. Mrs Siah also did the action. We were laughing like mad. Lol.

Then we packed and loaded the stuffs into the truck. Then at the school got alot of biscuits. They were distributed to the alumni. Ok, got to go. Bye


5:27 AM